Thursday, January 18, 2007

MEAP Scores

Well, the time of year has come where the "scores" start arriving. I must admit I was anxious to see the school's improvement. Now I feel like the child who waited an hour to get on the roller coaster to find that he was just under the "YOU MUST BE THIS TALL" stick. Don't get me wrong, the scores are still above the projected State average score. The point is that I felt as if many of the things the staff and I did would result in significant gain. The fact is our improvement when compared with other schools in the county was not impressive.

A new piece of data is included with the school summary report this year. The new data gives the school information on how the same kids performed from year to year. I can see that of the 14 students in the seventh grade who scored Basic last year, 6 of those students have moved up to the Met Standards level. I can also see how many students went down in any area. The nice thing about this data is that it directly relates to specific kids. I can't assume that one group was brighter from year to year because these are the same students.

Now comes the time where the staff and I look at all the data and try to find out where we can improve as a school. Wish us skill. (Luck is for Vegas, not for school improvement.)


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