Thursday, June 19, 2008

NWEA Growth Scores are in

Many of you will remember how proud I was of our sixth grade students leading the district in growth according to NWEA. Last school year those students acheived 105.4% of the target growth. I feel when we look at growth, it is the best measure of how the school is doing with all children. Most parents are familiar with NWEA in this district. NWEA is a nationally normed test that we administer on the computers twice per year.

So, how did we do this year?

Well, in reading the scores break down as follows:

6th Grade : 115.4% of expected growth
7th Grade : 156.6% of expected growth
8th Grade : 95.0% of expected growth

Many people may question the 8th grade at 95%. Remember that when I came here four years ago the highest percentage of NWEA growth was 61.6%.

The Math scores break down as follows:

6th Grade : 104.7% of expected growth
7th Grade : 81.1% of expected growth
8th Grade : 94.3% of expected growth

Certainly, I feel that the rise in scores we see is an indication of some of the things we are doing right.


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