MEAP Test Part 1A
As many parents are now aware the 6th grade students will need to retake part 1A because of a security breech in Jackson. Apparently a reporter was allowed to interview students and then printed information about the test in the Jackson paper. The State felt that this breech in security compromised the results of part 1A of the test. Now all 5th and 6th grade students will retake that section.
The part of this that could affect the school the most is the delay in reporting the scores. Algonquin uses the results to help asses the success of different materials used in the classroom. Last year were purchased the Macomb County Genre units for language arts and were looking forward to seeing how those improved the writing of our students.
The bottom line is that things happen that are out of the school's control and we have to adjust.
The part of this that could affect the school the most is the delay in reporting the scores. Algonquin uses the results to help asses the success of different materials used in the classroom. Last year were purchased the Macomb County Genre units for language arts and were looking forward to seeing how those improved the writing of our students.
The bottom line is that things happen that are out of the school's control and we have to adjust.
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