Time Flies When Your Having Fun
The last time I had time to write seems ages ago. Since the MEAP finished things seem to be in high gear in the building.
The language arts staff have been working to fully impliment the "Writer's Workshop". They have also begun the Macomb County Genre Units for reading comprehension.
The science staff have been getting the word out on science fair. Getting ready for new grade level content expectations from the State. Also, preparing to offer high school credit in earth science in the eigth grade.
The social studies staff have started looking at new materials to support the new graade level content expectations in social studies. This work should continue through the year, culminating in major changes in next year's curiculum.
Math staff are implimenting the new books the district bought last year.
As a whole staff we have just started training on Michigan School Improvement Framework. The framework gives a school rubrics to help the school improvement process. The document and rubrics can be seen at http://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,1607,7-140-28753_38959---,00.html
Algonquin Middle School
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
About Me
- Name: MiddleSchoolPrincipal
- Location: Algonac, Michigan, United States
Previous Posts
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- How Much Do You Write?The National Commission on W...
- Time Flies When Your Having FunThe last time I had...