I wish I could take credit for these, but Mr. Kochan and Mr. Leaver conspired to get these promising programs going.
Lunch Study Hall – Tuesday and Thursday
Purpose : an intervention program to encourage students to complete classroom and homework assignments while developing study skills that will enable them to be successful in the future
1. This program is designed to benefit students who need extra time and/or motivation to complete assignments.
2. Teachers will give the student a pass attached to the specific assignment(s) to be completed.
3. The pass will allow the students to go to the front of the lunch line and proceed to room 130 within 5 minutes.
4. Teachers will e-mail the names of the students reporting to lunch study hall to Mr. Kochan by Tuesday and Thursday morning.
5. Mr. Kochan will compile an attendance list for the lunch times.
6. Students remain in the room the entire lunch period.
7. If the student finished the assignment(s) before the lunch period ends, the student will engage in silent reading or organizing any school folders.
8. Teachers will use their discretion to which students will benefit from this program.
9. Mr. Kochan will return the assignments to the teacher’s mailbox after the lunch periods are completed.
Activity Time in the Gym – Monday and Friday
Purpose : to reward students for completing classroom assignments and encourage physical activity
1. Teachers will give selected students a pass to go to the gym during the first 15 minutes of lunch.
2. Teachers may select students who have completed all assignments and have shown exceptional citizenship.
3. The students will go to the gym and participate in activities directed by Mr. Kochan.
4. Students will be dismissed from the gym and proceed to the lunch line and/or cafeteria for lunch.