I remember being in school as a student. I actually attended a one room schoolhouse in Bad Axe Michigan at pre-school age. (My grandmother was the teacher.) As my family moved, I attended a few different schools, ending up at Muskegon Reeths-Puffer. Except for the one room schoolhouse, all the schools were the same. I'm sure if we had MEAP scores back then some schools would have been labeled as high performing or low performing. As a student who sat in the chair, they were the same.

Then a marvelous thing happened my senior year. My physics instructor brought a computer into the classroom, a Tandy Model IV. A bohemouth with a monochome screen and two 5.25 inch floppy drives. I don't remember the RAM and I know it did not have a hard drive. I remember Mr. Zulauf being so proud of that computer and more importantly I remember how he dreamed of how computers would change education.
So, has technology fundimentally changed education?
My answer to the question is, no. Educators still concentrate on the recall of facts. Those educators who concentrate on critical thinking existed then (Thanks Mr. Zulauf), and many exist today. Computers didn't change education. Thay are just a tool to enhance the classroom. The teacher is still the key to the future of education.
When I think back to my own education it is clear where I recieve my most futurific education. It was in a one room schoolhouse in Bad Axe, Michigan. (More later)